CША Luxembourg Russia Ukraine USA Абхазия Австралия Австрия Адыгея Азербайджан Азия Албания Алжир Алматы Алтай Алтайский край Амурская область Анапа Ангарск Англия Анталья АР Крым Аргентина Арктика Армения Архангельск Архангельская область Астана Астраханская область Астрахань Афганистан Африка Ачинск Байкал Байкальск Баку Балаково Бали Балтийское море Бангкок Бангладеш Барбадос Барнаул Барселона Батуми Башкирия Башкортостан Бейрут Беларусь Белгород Белгородская область Бельгия Берлин Беслан Беэр-Шева Бишкек Ближний Восток Болгария Боливия Бразилия Братск Британия Брянск Брянская область Буркина-Фасо Бурятия Валенсия Варшава Ватикан Вашингтон Великобритания Венгрия Венесуэла Вильнюс Владивосток Владикавказ Владимирская область Волгоград Волгоградская область Вологодская область Воркута Воронеж Воронежская область Вьетнам Гаага Гавайи Гагаузия Гаити Гайана Гватемала Гвинея-Бисау Геленджик Германия Голландия Голливуд Гондурас Гонконг Гренландия Греция Грозный Грузия Дагестан Дальний Восток Дамаск Дания ДНР Доминикана Донецкая область Дубаи Дубай Дублин Европа Евросоюз Египет Екатеринбург Забайкалье Забайкальский край Замбия Запорожская область Зауралье Звенигород Зеленоград Зимбабве Ивановская область Иерусалим Ижевск Израиль Ингушетия Индия Индонезия Иордания Ирак Иран Иркутск Иркутская область Ирландия Исландия Испания Италия Йемен Йошкар-Ола Кабардино-Балкария Кабо-Верде Кавказ Казань Казахстан Калининград Калининградская область Калифорния Калмыкия Калужская область Камбоджа Каменск-Уральский Камерун Камчатка Камчатский край Канада Канск Караганда Карачаево-Черкесская Республика Карелия Карибские острова Катар Кемерово Кемеровская область Кения Керченский пролив Кипр Киргизия Киров Кировская область Китай Кишенев КНДР КНР Колумбия Коми Конго Костанайская область Костромская область Красногорск Краснодар Краснодарский край Красное море Красноярск Красноярский край Крым Крымск Куба Кубань Кувейт Кузбасс Курган Курганская область Курдистан Курск Курская Курская область Куршавель Кыргызстан Лас-Вегас Латвия Латгалия Латинская Америка Ленинградская область Ливан Ливия Липецк Липецкая область Литва ЛНР Лондон Лос-Анджелес Луганская область Люберцы Маврикий Магадан Магаданская область Магнитогорск Майами Малайзия Мали Малибу Мальдивы Мальта Марий Эл Маркс Махачкала Мексика Мексиканский залив Минск Можайск Молдавия Молдова Монголия Монреаль Мордовия Москва Московская область Мурманск Мурманская область Мьянма Мюнхен Нагасаки Нагорный Карабах Нальчик Ненецкий автономный округ Нефтеюганск Нигерия Нидерланды Нижегородская область Нижневартовск Нижнекамск Нижнеудинск Нижний Новгород Нижний Тагил Новая Зеландия Новая Москва Новомосковск Новороссийск Новосибирск Новосибирская область Новоуральск Новочеркасск Новый Уренгой Норвегия Норильск Ноябрьск Нью-Йорк ОАЭ Одинцово Омск Омская область Орел Оренбург Оренбургская область Орловская область Орск Освенцим Павлодарская область Пакистан Палестина Панама Панамский канал Париж Пекин Пенза Пензенская область Первоуральск Пермский край Пермь Перу Петрозаводск Подмосковье Подольск Польша Португалия Прибайкалье Приднестровье Прикамье Приморский край Приморье Псков Псковская область Республика Башкортостан Республика Ингушетия Республика Коми Республика Марий Эл Республика Мордовия Республика Тува Республика Тыва Республика Хакасия Рига Рим Россия Росссия Ростов Ростов-на-Дону Ростовская область Руанда Румыния Рыбинск Рязанская область Рязань Саксония Салават Сальвадор Самара Самарская область Самоа Сан-Франциско Санкт-Петербург Саратов Саратовская область Саров Саудовская Аравия Сахалин Сахалинская область Свердловская область Севастополь Северная Корея (КНДР) Северная Осетия Сейшелы Сектор Газа секторе Газа Сербия Сергиев Посад Серпухов Сеул Сибирь Симферополь Сингапур Сирия Сицилия Сиэтл Словакия Словения Смоленская область Сочи Среднеуральск Средняя Азия Ставрополь Ставропольский край Стамбул Стокгольм Судан Сургут США Сыктывкар Таганрог Таджикистан Таиланд Тайвань Таймыр Тамбов Тамбовская область татарст Татарстан Ташкент Тбилиси Тверская область Тверь Тегеран Тель-Авив Техас Тибет Тобольск Токио Тольятти Томск Томская область торонто Туапсе Тува Тула Тульская область Тунис Туркменистан Турция Тюменская область Тюмень Удмуртия Узбекистан Украина Улан-Батор Улан-Удэ Ульяновск Ульяновская область Урал Уругвай УрФО Усолье-Сибирское Уфа Ухань Феодосия Фиджи Филиппины Финляндия Флорида Франция хабаровск Хабаровский край Хакасия Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ Хельсинки Херсонская область ХМАО Хорватия Чад Челябинск Челябинская область Черногория Черное море Чехия Чеченская республика Чечня Чикаго Чили Чита Чувашия Чукотка Шанхай Швейцария Швеция Шотландия Шри-Ланка Эквадор Экваториальная Гвинея Энгельс Эстония Эфиопия Югра Южная Америка Южная Африка Южная Корея Южная Осетия Юрмала Якутия Якутск Ялта Ямал ЯНАО Япония Ярославль Ярославская область Абхазия Австралия Австрия Адыгея Азербайджан Алматы Алтайский край Амстердам Амурская область Англия Анталья АР Крым Аргентина Арктика Армения Архангельск Архангельская область Астана Астраханская область Афганистан Африка Ачинск Байкальск Бали Бахмут Бахрейн Башкирия Башкортостан Беларусь Белгород Белгородская область Бельгия Бишкек Болгария Босния и Герцеговина Бостон Бразилия Братск Британия Брянск Брянская область Бурятия Бухарест Великобритания Венгрия Владивосток Владикавказ Владимир Владимирская область Волгоград Волгоградская область Вологодская область Воронеж Воронежская область Восточная Азия Вьетнам Гагаузия Геленджик Германия Гонконг Греция Грузия Дагестан Дальний Восток Дания Дзержинск Дмитрий Зацепин ДНР Донбасс Донецкая область Дубаи Дубай Европа Европейский союз Евросоюз Екатеринбург Забайкалье Забайкальский край Зауралье Зимбабве Ивановская область Иерусалим Израиль Ингушетия Индия Индонезия Иран Иркутск Иркутская область Ирландия Испания Италия Кабардино-Балкария Кавказ Казань Казахстан Калининград Калининградская область Калифорния Калмыкия Калужская область Камбоджа Камчатка Камчатский край Канада Канны Караганда Карачаево-Черкесия Карачаево-Черкесская Республика Карелия Кемерово Кемеровская область Кипр Киргизия Киров Кировская область Китай КНДР КНР Костромская область Краснодар Краснодарский край Красное море Красноярск Красноярский край Крым Кубань Кузбасс Курганская область Курская область Кыргызстан Латвия Ленинградская область Ливан Ливия Липецкая область Литва Лондон Лос-Анджелес Магаданская область Магнитогорск Малайзия Мальта Марий Эл Махачкала Мексика Милан Минск Мозамбик Молдова Монако Монголия Мордовия Москва Московская область Мурманск Мурманская область Набережные Челны Нагорный Карабах Нефтеюганск Нигер Нигерия Нидерланды Нижегородская область Нижнегородская область Нижний Новгород Николаевск на Амуре Новая Гвинея Новая Каледония Новая Каховка Новая Москва Новгородская область Ново-Огарево Новокузнецк Новороссийск Новосибирск Новосибирская область Норвегия Норильск Нью-Йорк ОАЭ Омск Омская область Орел Оренбург Оренбургская область Орловская область Ормузский залив Орск Пакистан Палестина Папуа - Новая Гвинея Пекин Пензенская область Пермский край Пермь Перу Петрозаводск Подмосковье Подольск Польша Португалия Прибайкалье Прибалтика Приморский край Приморье Псков Псковская область Пятигорск Республика Башкортостан Республика Ингушетия Республика Коми Республика Хакасия Рига Россия Ростов-на-Дону Ростовская область Румыния Рязанская область Самара Самарская область Санкт-Петербург Саратов Саратовская область Саудовская Аравия Сахалин Сахалинская область Свердловская область Севастополь Северная Корея (КНДР) Северная Македония Северная Осетия Сектор Газа Сербия Серпухов Сибирь Симферополь Сирия Словакия Смоленская область Сочи СССР Ставропольский край Стамбул Сургут США Сьерра-Леоне Таганрог Таджикистан Таиланд Тайвань Тамань Тамбовская область Татарстан Тбилиси Тверская область Тольятти Томск Томская область Тула Тульская область Туркменистан Турция Тюменская область Тюмень Уганда Удмуртия Узбекистан Украина Улан-Удэ Ульяновск Ульяновская область Урал Усолье-Сибирское Уфа Филиппины Финляндия Франция хабаровск Хабаровский край Хакасия Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ Харьков Херсонская область ХМАО Хорватия Челябинск Челябинская область Чехия Чеченская республика Чечня Чикаго Чита Чувашия Чукотка Швейцария Швеция Шишкина Ирина Элеонора Майерс Эстония ЮАР Южная Корея Южная Осетия Южно-Сахалинск ЮЗАО Юрмала Якутия Ямал ЯНАО Япония Ярославль Ярославская область

Is Moyn Islam misleading investors? A closer look at his alleged schemes

Is Moyn Islam misleading investors? A closer look at his alleged schemes
Is Moyn Islam misleading investors? A closer look at his alleged schemes
Moyn Islam is accused of being involved in Ponzi schemes. Is he really a fraud? Uncover the facts here.

Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam are divisive, and there is much discussion about whether they are sincere or fraudulent in what they advocate. We won’t judge them; instead, We’ll concentrate on their Paid PR pieces. Spending money on self-promotion makes sense when you have money to spare for the article features.

In addition to supporting verification, increase your trustworthiness. So why not invest in paid articles? His conduct is appropriate.

OneCoin’s illicit operation and Moyn Islam’s Involvement

There are undoubtedly many people seeking to cover up their involvement in OneCoin’s illicit operation after US authorities brought it to an end.

Since September 23rd, 2014, when we released our initial evaluation of OneCoin and correctly identified it as a Ponzi scam, BehindMLM has written no fewer than 251 articles detailing every turn and turn.

 tidtridhidsld tidtridhiddrm

We met a diverse group of people along the way, most of whom have now left OneCoin. Some people just vanished from the face of the earth.

The DOJ claims that OneCoin was a Ponzi scheme that defrauded investors of more than $4 billion.

How exactly does a Ponzi scheme operate?

An investment fraud known as a Ponzi scheme draws investors with claims of great returns and no risk but fails to invest the money as stated. Instead, it pays off earlier investors with money from future investors while maybe keeping a portion of the profits. These schemes typically fail when recruiting investors becomes challenging or when multiple investors attempt to cash out. They depend on a steady flow of new buyers to operate. They are called after Charles Ponzi, who ran a similar scam using postal stamps in the 1920s.

A reasonable response to such a dwarfing amount, unless you’ve been closely monitoring OneCoin, is “How did this happen?”

He presented to the individuals who made it possible based on his investigation of OneCoin, interactions, and viewpoints over the previous four and a half years.

The Islam brothers are Londoners with a deplorable history of sneakily inflicting deadly Ponzi schemes.

Moyn Islam and Monir Islam entered the picture when they were bragging about OneCoin’s benefits during recruitment events.

A crypto-investing miracle was expected to occur. However, it was later shown to be a $3 billion global hoax. Ruja Ignatova, age 40, is still at large.

Then, Moyn Islam switched to a business plan that included “wearable technological advancement,” which featured timepieces that could assess heart rate.

Investors were assured that the Helo brand will be “completely worth” PS2 billion this year by World Media & Technology Corp.

Since then, it’s disappeared.

Monir, Moyn Islam, and Melius all followed, with Ehsaan joining them.

Melius claimed to have sold software for trading currencies, but it was actually a pyramid scam where participants were paid commissions for other people to participate.

At the beginning of the year, Monir predicted that “this company is going to make more millionaires than any other company I know of.”

According to a Forbes commercial, “They are on the way to building a million-dollar company within three years.”

In its advertising, it claimed to be “the next big powerhouse in the industry” after Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon.

It is difficult to prove its existence.

This takes us to Be, their most absurd idea to date and yet another Forbes advertisement.

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They may have relocated from the 66 million-person United Kingdom to a nation with an estimated population of more than 1.3 billion, according to this. There are many more folks to aim for.

y9tKAMp8JJd6nGSvIx8j0C Pk2b afr2pe3EawX7q7yV47ezSGV79Xpz6a7OGdknm3HlfRTWzlPAO9M0hlrUFvI1 iPc xCj2

According to a recent Forbes article, “New-age young entrepreneurs Monir, the Islam Moyn Islam, Ehsaan Islam, and Moyn Islam from the UK built an unconventional idea, and turned it into a flourishing, successful company called Be.”

The president and CEO position is given to Moyn. Calls are sent to Ehsaan, the chief technology officer, and Monir, the chief creative officer.

This mistake must have upset Forbes, as there is a disclaimer at the bottom of the piece that reads: “No Forbes India journalist has been engaged with the creation or publication of this article.”

The Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam keep on distorting it. They assert on their website befactor.com that Forbes has “recognized” them as leaders in innovation.

Taking pictures next to vehicles is a favorite past-time for the Islam brothers.

The Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam were contacted by journalists from the Mirror and requested proof of their achievement, but they have not responded.

Furthermore, as Be is based in Dubai, no accounting of the business is available to the general public.

The website is meaningless and just states incoherently that “Our unique ecosystem allows people from all walks of life to own and build a business using their smartphones.” Thus, they will be able to lead the life they want to.

It does, however, demonstrate how affiliates may increase their earnings by recruiting additional people.

Without the guff about “Being a better person for a better future,” all that remains is another Ponzi scheme.

The Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam had jobs as cab drivers, store proprietors, and restaurateurs, according to Forbes plugs.

Nevertheless, they were “suffocated” by their prior employment and thought they were destined for even more extraordinary feats.

Their issue is this.

Making a good living is acceptable. The IIslam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam, meanwhile, are either too conceited or arrogant to even contemplate it.

Who is Moyn Islam?

Moyn Islam is among the top 10 earners in the network marketing sector. In addition to being recognized as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 25 by Inc magazine, Business for Home labels him as an influential figure in the network marketing sector.

Monir and Moyn Islam, both from London, United Kingdom, began with a mediocre history in network marketing with the express goal of bettering their own lifestyles.

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MLM, as it is known, is a marketing approach in which businesses support their distributors by paying them a portion of sales directly.

Moyn & Monir Islam duo started their journey three and a half years ago from London and have now become top leaders in Networking Marketing Industry.

The Moyn and Monir Islam brothers received acclaim for their endeavors at all the seminars and promotions they attended.

Reviews about Islam Brother 

EvS c6FyIOeh7r21JKk RIdXnNPmtdu9uz2dN9 PwJWvBX2bpU4dWQ7PoP7gJJfy3kv1iPFXH7IJzEc90aam6OS UFOuuiSws7CvMS2VmUnpCvLHKKrMPLB1HNfmML0OE8dXgR3fNLTpvJJe4zoHZdg

The above person told that Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam, who have a history of defrauding people through Ponzi schemes, should be avoided. In the past, they were associated with OneCoin, a cryptocurrency investment scam that cost investors billions of dollars, and Helo, a wearable technology startup that never materialized. They are now pushing Melius, a pyramid scam that appears as selling currency trading software but is simply a mechanism for affiliates to find new members and make money. Additionally, the Islam brothers have a history of purchasing fake news releases from publications like Forbes and Entrepreneur, and Forbes even removed an article about them after learning of their involvement in the OneCoin fraud. 

These Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam are nothing more than phony gurus who con people via MLM scams while flaunting their wild lifestyle on Instagram. He also urged people to stay away from them at all costs.


The above person told that Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam are known for using Ponzi schemes to defraud people. They were associated with OneCoin, a cryptocurrency scam that cost investors billions of dollars, and Helo, a wearable technology startup that had told investors that it would be worth billions by this year but has since vanished. They are now pushing Melius, a pyramid scheme that advertises itself as a source of trading software but is actually merely a mechanism for affiliates to make money by signing up new members. These brothers have a history of buying phony press releases from publications like Forbes and Entrepreneur, and Forbes even took down an article about them after learning of their participation in the OneCoin fraud. 

He also told that Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam are nothing more than fictitious gurus who con people through MLM scams while flaunting their party lifestyle on Instagram. Any money-making possibility marketed by the Islam brothers should be avoided.

JIz33uZ40MJoDkCQCKIB4uHFPl6BNIeeX5sh8Oe0ptlTeQ79ko0fR5u4S2th Ex4VOWKOPsVgLY3OoLQn1E 7lxYt5LeiE6vSAXc7jqM6AZLgbvVzSw

Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam have a history of duping individuals into making fraudulent financial decisions. They promoted Helo, a wearable tech startup that was never able to materialize, as well as OneCoin, the cryptocurrency scheme that turned out to be a huge fraud. In addition to making misleading claims about the company’s performance, the present strategy, Melius, has been referred to as a pyramid scheme in which affiliates are paid commissions for bringing in new affiliates. They have a history of purchasing phony press releases from publications like Forbes and Entrepreneur, and Forbes withdrew their piece after learning about The OneCoin fraud. 

He also told that they are not gurus; instead, they are impostors who use MLM schemes to trick others and flaunt their lavish lifestyles on Instagram. At every opportunity, avoid any investments recommended by these Islamist brothers.

TyIoJGSce8n5z5krk0X1KI rTgqd7uqCv4xq Gf8HWKCI00JsIYueu3dIw4VNhIUqMFhbdfi0cVp5Qyc2KGP0PV pTVjRkZhFw9 0YZWconksYfKqHwSHSvDhQVoo xKJCIFLBEEh YSti8f ZMV tQ

Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam are well-known for their involvement in shady investment scams, such as the enormous cryptocurrency hoax OneCoin and the fictitious wearable technology startup Helo.

They are pushing Melius, a pyramid scam that presents itself as a source of currency trading software but is really simply a means for associates to make money by enlisting new members. These brothers have a history of buying phony press releases from publications like Forbes and Entrepreneur. Forbes even removed an article on them after learning of their involvement in the OneCoin fraud. 

The Islam brothers and any financial possibilities they pitch should be avoided. They are nothing else than con artists that defraud others through MLM scams while boasting about their wild social lives on Instagram.

86ZyWPoi8sqN5I2YnJmK2j1YtL0vRsYup7cnh8Qwe 7Lw18SUhBzGi9HZ8lwOUXvWUHgayRPbISH8Yq63ufCrIm c67X41LWjSzMyp9YrFjRxRBKZYZsxyYvdQBF DZfNOdy GmsP15Aw0YycjBC 8k

The promotion of shady investment schemes is a well-known trait of Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam. They were involved with OneCoin and Helo, which caused them to suffer huge financial losses.

Their most recent project, Melius, is a pyramid scam that conceals affiliates’ ability to make money by recruiting others by using software for currency trading. They have a history of paying for false public relations on respected websites like Forbes and Entrepreneur, and Forbes even removed an article about them after learning of their participation in the OneCoin fraud. He told that these brothers are con artists, so stay away from their claims of quick fortune.

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You should be aware that the Islam brothers Monir Islam, Moyn Islam, and Ehsaan Islam are infamous for endorsing shady investment schemes if you come across them. They were associated with Helo, a wearable technology startup that never emerged, and OneCoin, a Ponzi scam involving cryptocurrency that cost investors billions of dollars.

They are now promoting Melius, a pyramid scheme that masquerades as selling currency trading software but is really simply a mechanism for affiliates to make money by signing up new members. These brothers have a history of buying phony news releases from magazines like Forbes and Entrepreneur. Forbes even removed an article on them after learning of their involvement in the OneCoin fraud.

He advised that don’t be duped by the Islam brothers’ claims of simple affluence; they are nothing more than con artists.

UXud7VBV6375hU45URh7xQQcEwUeaetlFB6sWQvG oN4pRVtPam VHQc6rTsncPyB9I3B tA TKTwan5vbQ1E5KvNsu pOBx3EjAuY Z61qP6L3dOvWfF91We3 3KJrcIksbMw 4Ubt1

The above person told that Since he’s been utilizing BE goods for the past two years, he heartily endorse their offerings. The live sessions are useful, the trade ideas are fantastic, and the instructional material is outstanding. He had a good experience overall, and the trading community is encouraging. Good luck with your trade and try it out!

The Bottom Line 

We can say that these brothers used fake PR strategies to fool people. However, Both law companies with offices in the UK and the UAE have given Mr. Moyn and Monir, also known as Monirul, legal opinions. Both firms have agreed that the articles constitute defamation and have negatively harmed their personal lives, family, and company. In addition, the police certificates that Monirul and Monul obtained and have in their control from the law enforcement agencies in the UK and the UAE plainly show that no charges or complaints have been brought against them in any country.

The media and reporters have nefariously attempted to associate their names with the scam firm beyond their involvement. They received additional threats to their families lives as a result of the same.

Therefore, you must gather all the necessary information before making any type of investment. As there are a lot of people who can take advantage and can make you a fool.
